Contact Us

8187 Carlton Trail NW
Covington, GA 30014
(770) 786-7311

Click map below for directions

Facility Overview

High ceilings and palladium windows in the atrium greet Cousins visitors with a sense of spaciousness and light. The exposed interior brick foyer wall and columns add to the warmth of the area. Plants and chairs create a welcoming environment.

The administrative area, media center, and cafeteria are located in the center of the building. Computers in the administrative area are cabled to the county office mainframe to allow direct communication regarding attendance, grading, and pupil accounting.

The media center has an automated management system. This system provides the capability for on-line searches of all media resources. The media specialist can send cable television, videotape recordings, and closed circuit satellite broadcasts to any classroom. 

Adjacent to the media center is the guidance center where two counselors work with the school's students.

Classrooms are housed in three wings, one for each grade level. Each classroom is wired for networked computers, closed circuit television, and two-way communication with the administrative offices.

The cafeteria is centrally located in the building and daily offers two entree choices and salad plates. The serving line allows the students to select and pick up their food choices.

Other Statistics


Approximately 40 acres


Approximately 102,000 square feet 



Student Capacity:


Gym Seating:

 Approximately 750